Viet Phan X

Income Report June 2019 – Traveling fever

💰 Income Report
Jul 5, 2019

Welcome to my income report  for June 2019

In May I have earned $168 in total.

About 20% more than the previous month.

This is due to 2 random sales and because I moved most of my savings to a higher earning savings account.


...was my best month of the year so far.

Remember I spend 2 weeks traveling in May and suffered post-travel depression after my return?

Well, I almost cured myself by traveling for another 3 weeks across Baltic countries, Finland and Belarus.

Now I am out of vacation days and I have to stay in the office until the end of the year.

Being 33 years old, I think I did maximum and filled my traveling itch by visiting 7 countries in two months.

I experienced more fun and excitement than during the last three years.

To get the most of it, I have to travel for at least a month with the possibility to explore more than one country.

It takes one week to get used to the new regime without any schedule.

It takes a second week to slowly get out of my comfort zone.

Finally, the third week is about getting most of every situation and pushing my comfort zone to the new limits.

The con of traveling without a stable home base is the exhaustion and tight time constraints.

I tried to squeeze a few productive hours here and there. I even brought an iPad with me in case I find an opportunity to write a few words.

It was hard.

The only time I opted for writing was on the bus from Klaipeda to Kaunas and when I got sick in Vilnius.

So you can imagine I don't have any results to show for in June.

But I will make up for it next month, I swear.

Good House Music Youtube Channel

At the time of writing this post, my channel grew to 11 subscribers.

View time is primarily still driven by few evergreen mixes.

I could not upload any mixes for a month, but I am glad I get few views every day.

Once I manage to upload more than 20 videos, I believe my daily view count will increase to more than 10 views a day on average.

The best strategy so far is promoting dedicated Reddit threads.

I tried to find niche house music forums, but all have strict rules for self-promotion.

My first Flask MVP was left unattended without much activity.

However, it happened to me on my travels, that I got contacted about upcoming product change by a person from one of the banks responsible for their online product performance.

I was really surprised and thought she was an ordinary visitor.

Only after some digging on Linkedin, I realized she works for a bank.

This is even better than I expected.

She reached me by Facebook messenger, probably because we have a mutual friend and because I get ranked for their product keyword on the first page of Google search engine.

This sparked my interest in further improving Financia.CZ SEO and usability.

Next month I plan to add product requirements and dedicated product pages.

The first feature is the most wanted gap early users vouched for.

The second feature will improve my SEO rankings by expanding the number of crawled pages, that contain important keywords I want to target.

Income Breakdown

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P2P Lending

During my travels, my computer restarted by itself due to an automatic Windows update.

So my P2P lending bot was inactive the whole time I was on the road.

My exposure decreased by 15% because of early repayments and because of bot inactivity.

That means my revenue P2P is not what it could be if I was fully invested.

On the risk side, one more loan defaulted.

From the nominal point of view, I probably lost on the fifth of my total profit.

Still, 3 defaulted loans represent 0.63% of my whole portfolio.

According to P2P lender, their ideal portfolio aims to make 4% after fees p.a. and lose max 0.2% of the total loan count.

I think I have to watch my portfolio closely if I want to achieve the same numbers.

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Savings Accounts

Czech national bank kept their promises and left the interest rate alone in June.

One bank saw this as the last opportunity to snatch new clients from their competitors.

They increased the interest rate and deposit limits to 2%, which 26% more than my most profitable unlimited savings account.

I plan to grasp this opportunity and open a new savings account asap.

Income from this new account can potentially replace lost income due to expired marketing campaigns on another saving account.

I give it 6 months until the market changes and my income from saving accounts decreases again.

 Sell Items Online

I got lucky in June and managed to sell a badminton set to a lovely young family and swimming goggles.

I bought a badminton set ten years ago when I lived near the badminton hall.

My bro was still in first grade and I wanted to teach him some sports.

Badminton was a great and cheap choice.

We went together multiple times, but it never becomes a tradition.

Since we moved to another part of the city, there were no more opportunities to play together again.

Swimming goggles had an even longer history. I bought them after I visited the seaside for the first time in Italy.

I got so excited about swimming in the sea I decided to take it seriously and bought swimming goggles.

Sad to say my intentions never materialized and I forgot about them.

What can be improved next month?

Business development

In July I plan to catch up a little bit and go hard on my side projects.

I am also thinking about reviving my crypto bot due to the recent surge in Bitcoin price.

Since I am out of vacation days I will have plenty of time for developing new side projects.

Project development

Regarding my side projects, I want to add some features to my Flask MVP, because I repeatedly get the same feature request every time I ask my visitors.

After improving Flask MVP, I want to finish refactoring my Django React MVP.

I am probably halfway through code refactoring and I figured out the most daunting roadblocks, like user authentication in Django React stack.

So it is about pushing my time and revise line by line until all files are rewritten.

I cannot postpone it any longer and just should ship this thing.

Wish me luck and see you in the next income report!

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