Viet Phan X

Income Report Oct 2019 - Intrapreneuring Abroad

💰 Income Report
Nov 18, 2019

Welcome to my income report for October 2019

In October I have earned $207 in total. About 23% less than in the previous month.

This is because of lower sales volumes and also because of declining interest rates on savings accounts.

What I did in October

In October, I was even more committed to a 9-5 project in Vienna. Currently, it takes 50% of my time and 100% of my focus.

Luckily in two months, it will be over. Until then, I will gladly sacrifice my hustle progress for the chance to work on my soft skills. To work in an international environment, to be able to speak English daily. And to launch a true MVP back up by the big corporation.

Thanks to this project, I could develop skills I would never have a chance to improve in my current 9-5 job. Or by working on my side hustles. For example:

  • Leadership
  • Public speaking
  • Digital Marketing using Facebook Ads, Vkontakte Ads, and Viral Loops tactics

But besides the Vienna project, I started to dig deep into the real estate business. Hell, I even personally visited one or two apartments by myself.

You know, to evaluate the property value. But so far without any luck.

Czech real estate market on the peak and no one wants to sell. Most properties on the market are overpriced or have some catch.

Take for example a beautiful apartment at a reasonable price near the metro station. I would buy it immediately, if I would not look into the property registry and find out, that land does not belong to the seller.

Don't take me wrong. I love getting experience by dealing with real estate and dumb real estate agents. It is a priceless experience. that will come handy in the future.

Live projects

The Hustle App

The major milestone was adding time analytics, which is recalculated daily thanks to the Celery and RabbitMQ. I love looking at the chart, which shows how hard I hustle every day. It motivates me to keep going.

I also added the option to sort the order of your goal with drag and drop. You might think it is a nice to have feature, but it annoyed me, that I cannot change the order by myself.

The backlog is still full of bugs and I hope I can get rid of them by the end of the year.

So in November, I would like to:

  • move completed tasks to a separate list
  • add a progress bar to goal cards
  • fix activation email
  • add an option to "delete" tasks

Good House Music

At the time of writing this post, it grew to 28 subscribers. A 21% increase over the previous month.

My channel grows steadily and my fanbase size is now comparable to the one a local beginner DJ would have. The next milestone would be reaching 50 subscribers. Let's see how long it would take.


The only thing I added was an option to filter real estate by district and by property status.

Before the change, it would take me an hour to manually evaluate all new properties, that are posted daily. After the change, it takes me only 20 minutes max. to go through the whole list.

To make this a minimum marketable product, I would have to:

  • automate the number crunching
  • add a user management
  • create a freemium product - show unprofitable properties to the public and hide profitable ones behind the paywall
  • add a map

I don't see this coming anytime soon. Maybe next year when I am bored with other projects.

Income Report Breakdown

P2P Lending

My P2P bot is still broken due to several changes in P2P lender API, but thanks to my friend, I got some guidance on how to fix it. Until then, my revenue from P2P loans will decline as more and more loans are repaid.

Savings Accounts

The situation with the savings accounts in the Czech market is getting sour. My savings account was downgraded from a 2% interest rate to 1.5%. My other savings account will be downgraded by the end of the year.

It is not much I can do about it. Saving accounts still serves its purpose as a safe heaven with fast access to liquidity, so I won't move my money somewhere else.

Craigslist Sales

In October, I sold a pancake maker, a skateboard, and a prehistoric LAN card on craigslist.

The pancake maker was originally a Christmas gift I gave to my bro 4 years ago. I thought it would be cool to make pancakes together, but he never used it regularly.

The initial excitement from doing pancakes wore off quickly. And since then it stayed in the box unused.

Over the years, I got many interested buyers, mostly housewives from the countryside, who wanted to save some money by buying a used item. But every time I sent a photo and the price including the postage fee, they ghosted.

Thankfully I found a buyer, a young family, who accepted the price and could pick this thing in person.

The LAN card was just a leftover from a computer I owned 15 years ago. You might think who would buy an ancient LAN card these days? Well, there is always a buyer, if you set the price right.

I sold it for one dollar to someone, who used it to remotely control his server stored in the basement.

As for the skateboard, I found a buyer, who bought it for its wooden board. I guess he wanted to renovate the board, put some quality wheels on it, and resell for the profit.

Affiliate Sales

I was lucky to earn 4.88 USD from the Amazon Affiliate program in October. It is not much, but I hope I will earn enough in the future to pay for my hosting fees.

To earn more, I would have to create a product review page, that will be solely focused on redirecting readers to Amazon affiliates. And right now I don't have any specific niche in mind. But it is worth to try someday in the future.

Plans, dreams, and wishes

My goals for November haven't changed. Release The Hustle to the public and start a new personal Youtube channel.

Wish me luck and see you next month.

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